Thursday, 4 April 2013

Ring Ousels at Mwnt

John, Harry and I headed south this morning starting our day's birding at Mwnt, and what a treat was in store.  The weather did present problems, the easterly wind really was a trial but having seen various bits and pieces out to sea, including Razorbills, Guillemots, Kitiwake, Herring, Great and Lesser Black Backed and common Gulls plus 2 Chough and a dramatic fly-past by 3 Peregrines we hunkered down out of the wind, overlooking the bay.  As we thawed out we were thrilled to see 10+ Wheatear and 4 Ring Ousels showing very well in brilliant sunshine.
We then went to the Tiefi Marsh Reserve and although we didn't see a lot, we did clock up to 7 Chiffchaff desperately seeking sustenance amongst the reeds at the edge of the lakes.