Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Coming up later plus Eddy

Whilst loitering in the Waiting Room on the bog for a Yellow- Browed to pitch into the birch bush which has taken over the viewing area I noticed a copy of the programme for the much in the news Aber Arts Centre.
Of interest to Birders: Oct 17th Doug Allen a renowned world class cameraman (Blue Planet etc) is showing off his skills and talking about working in extreme environments with celeb narrators inc King Attenborough at 7:30.
                                   Nov 16th British Wildlife Photography Exhibition starts until 8th Jan.  You could go on 23rd Nov and combine pics with the Xmas Food Fair!

Our eagle is still present on the escarpment overlooking Cors Caron, saw it yesterday teaching the jackdaws how to fly over Allt Ddu farm.