A Chiffchaff singing in Aberaeron on 1 and 3 October A wettish walk from the car park to the lime kilns at Llanrhystud early this afternoon, 3 Oct.
Med Gull c140
BH Gull c50
Dunlin 1
Sanderling 1
Ringed Plover 6
Barn Swallow 1
White Wagtail 1
Pied Wagtail 2
Meadow Pipit 20
Linnet 45
Phylloscopus sp 1 - A brief view of an interesting looking, very small individual. inornatus size and typical behaviour. Couldn't relocate it or get it to re-emerge although I stayed in the area for a good twenty-five minutes or so. Oh for my old, lapsed ringing permit - I could have put nets up! Definitely worth looking out for. (At the lime kilns.)
Ian Harrison