Monday, 30 December 2013


If you didn't already know, Caroline DeCarle is back in town and is working on plans for a guiding business. Let her tell you about it.......

To all my female friends and their lady friends and family I hope the festive season is fabulous for you all. Now for my exciting plans which I hope you will i...ndulge me by reading... here goes.... I am planning to start a bird-guiding business, visiting one of the most amazing wildlife/birding place you could imagine, The Gambia. The birding breaks will be for one week at a time, for maximum 4 LADIES per trip - a ladies only offer! We know how competitive the boys can be when they are birdwatching - it all gets a bit serious, right? Well, how about a week's chilled birding. For an all inclusive price, to include flights. transport and full board at the award-winning Footsteps Eco Lodge, The Gambia, staying in amazing comfort in outstanding surroundings (over 140 species of bird have been recorded in the grounds of the Lodge). My first trip will take place in April (date tbc) as a one off trial run at a very special price of £850, all inc. apart from your bar bill. I would love 4 guinea pigs to join me. Feeling adventurous and ready for a taste of paradise only a 6 hour flight away? Go on, email me for more info... Thanks for your attention - now get your binos ready for a real adventure

Caroline x