Thursday, 12 December 2013


The big mixed flock of Golden Plover and Lapwing are back on the high ground between Post bach and Pisgah (SN400514). Not quite as many yet as I reported last February. There were perhaps 200 Lapwing and twice as many Golden Plover. Always a cheering site if you are passing by.
David Wooley
I had a Adult winter Ring-billed Gull last Saturday mid- afternoon in among large gull flock on the long harbour wall at Tanybwlch.
I among the flock also included 1 Great-black backed, 1 Lesser black-backed, 15 Common Gulls, 1 Med Gull, 50+ Black-headed Gull and plenty of Herring Gulls in various plumage stages. A very nice selection to see. Flock constantly moving from the harbour to rocks after been flushed by students!!
I noticed 2 Black-headed Gulls had metal rings but could not read them.
(No Iceland or Glaucous gulls yet or Ivory Gull!!;)
Brendan Sheils
(Sorry this is late; my fault)