Thursday, 9 January 2014

Out and about after the storms

Today was a relief after all the stormy weather,and there was much activity along the Rheidol 
river side behind the football ground in town.There is quite a lot of scrub and bramble covering both banks.The longtail tits, at least 5 were foraging for insects along with a pair of blue and great.A particular delight was a song thrush on the fence metres away going through his repertoir before flying over the river chasing away another male.A cormerant and male gooseander flew up stream and a robin made his presence known .All this in the space of half an hour! I'm almost sure I heared a wren singing in the deep bramble along the path.I have made a new years resolution to learn more calls and songs this year.Happy New Year to All!

from Lis Collison