Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Swifts in a tower

Red phoned to tell me he'd found 18 species of butterfly along the railway path at Llanilar so we hot-footed it there today and were distracted by finding 5 pairs of swifts on the attractive little church.  They put on quite a flying display (which I hope these pics indicate)  contorting themselves in order to approach very small slit gaps under the capping stones.  See pic 3 showing the tail completely spread!  None entered so I think it was a calling out display as they are now due to leave with their young for the skies of Africa after  c.52 days from egg to fledging.
 If the Church warden is reading this please put away the cement filler as these birds with their tiny, ineffective feet and small beaks will not be threatening the integrity of the building and anyway the cockerel wouldn't allow it.  Click on the image to enlarge.