YNYS LAS SUNDAY AUG 10th 7.30-9.30pm/10pm
This month's walk will be a short one in distance terms as we intend to go along to the point at Ynys Las to watch the incoming tide bring a lot of wader and tern activity…hopefully!
We have permission to park in the Disabled Bay on the left just before you reach the beach (which will be covered at high tide) but the space cannot be guaranteed so I suggest we assemble in the turn carpark at 7.20pm, to use as few cars as possible. If you have a scope bring it! Also you may need a torch if we have to walk back through the dunes.
The tide is a big one and the evening time was chosen to avoid the dog walker disturbance and hopefully coincide with a magical sunset and balmy evening. Any reports of pigs flying are premature!!