Saturday, 27 December 2014


I know that over the last few months there have been some glitches in
the walks programme due to illness etc. and I apologise for that BUT a
new year is just around the corner and if it is to include bird group
walks we need PEOPLE TO VOLUNTEER NOW. If you have ever thought about
leading a group walk but have been too
shy/busy/lazy/disorganized/diffident/indifferent or frightened then this
is your chance. It is not difficult to do. It can be good fun and I have
never heard any gripes or moans about a walk from anyone who has

If you have any ideas or suggestions about walks that you would like to
discuss before committing yourself then please get in touch. If you
think you may be able to help but not until next Christmas please get in
touch. If you know of any suitable walks please get in touch. Without
volunteers pretty quick this aspect of the group will have to end and
that would be a great shame.

I am not made for bullying but consider yourselves bullied. In the
meantime I hope you enjoy what remains of the festivities. A walk often
helps to wear off the excesses and who knows your local footpaths may be
just right for a bird group walk!

My e-mail address is My telephone number is 01970
890 383.