Early this morning there was a very good gathering of Manx Shearwaters close in off the lifeboat station at Borth.
The conditions were ideal: high tide, calm sea and a slight off-shore breeze.
I then went to Ynyslas to see what the high tide produced and teamed up with Simon Cox. On the Leri side were several Sandwich Terns but probably less than Harry saw yesterday. Simon noticed one perched on a post with a colour ring, Blue ETJ. As soon as I get the details I will post them on the blog.
On the pebbles at the Point a number of waders remained undisturbed: just 4 Sanderling but 130 Dunlin and 65 Ringed Plovers. Simon pointed out an early Common Gull.
By now the Manx Shearwaters and many Gannets were enjoying a feeding frenzy just off the river mouth.