Saturday, 5 September 2015

The Eagle!

Having been to Snettisham and Ynys Las lately and, quite frankly, found our County sadly wanting in the wader department I took myself up the mountain road hoping for a raptor fest as it was sunny and breezy this afternoon. 
2 hunting kestrels were adults, pale kite over the moor, buzzards at least 6 individuals gave a good display of flying and variable plumages, sparrowhawk mobbed by migrating swallows and then: the BIG one.  Gliding straight down the valley it shrugged off the unwanted attention of the buzzards and putting its wings together swooped as if on a rollercoaster.  This brought it close to me and below so I could have a grandstand view of its  golden nape and upperwing coverts….beat that Norfolk!

Sorry no pics the photographer was struggling with grass cutting back at the ranch.