Sunday, 13 September 2015

Today's field trip: Tanybwlch

The weather stayed fine as 12 of us set off after a quick look at the sea, where a few distant manxies and a Med Gull passed by. After a short distance the calls of Chough had us looking through a flock of corvids on Pendinas, where a fox showed well against the skyline.
Wheatear added before we turned inland along the river to Tan y Castell, enjoying a Dipper along the way, along with a Goosander. A few House Martins and Swallows moved through.
Then it was back to the coast past Tanybwlch Hall.  Very little offshore apart from a few Gannets, then we stopped at the ditch for a good look. Highlights here were at least one White Wagtail among the Pieds and a juv/1st w Whinchat.
Thanks to the variety of habitats we amassed a good list as follows (some heard, most seen).

Black-headed Gull, Herring Gull, Mallard, Goldfinch, Manx Shearwater, Mediterranean Gull, Rock Pipit, Cormorant, Swallow, Pied/White Wagtail, House Sparrow, feral Pigeon, Linnet, Meadow Pipit, Chough, Rook, Carrion Crow, Robin, Wheatear, Jackdaw, Raven, Magpie, Stonechat, Oystercatcher, Blue Tit, Red Kite, House Martin, Grey Heron, Woodpigeon, Dipper, Buzzard, Goosander, Chiffchaff, Great Tit, Jay, Wren, Long-tailed Tit, Blackbird, Blackcap, Nuthatch, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Gannet, Grey Wagtail, Chaffinch, Whinchat, Great Black-backed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull.
Fox, Small Tortoiseshell, Speckled Wood.

Harry Pepper