Monday, 15 February 2016

Cors Caron Short Eared Owl etc

The Short Eared Owl has probably been around all winter at Cors Caron, but on the West Bog dome, which doesn't have any public access. But we have contractors working out there and I & they have seen it twice, most recently last Tuesday - very poor photo (mobile phone thru a tracked vehicle windscreen!) below. The work going on may have pushed it south so it became visible at the southern end of the reserve. There was also a nice ringtail hen harrier out there on Tuesday.

On Thursday the skylarks were calling a lot, not quite singing - but I heard skylarks singing at Martin Mere on Saturday, so Spring is definitely Springing.

Harry, the metal things are bike racks - for the hordes of people we thought would be cycling the Ystwyth Trail and then want to stop & walk around the boardwalk. Numbers haven't been quite what we'd hoped, but you do occasionally see a bike chained to a rack.

And thanks for the feedback about our new signage (on 28th Jan) Shane Jones, it's really useful. We will be getting new panels with maps and text about the reserve, its wildlife and the visitor routes; and we'll see about getting a new direction sign added to the main set opposite the toilet block.