Shortly after arriving on the castle at 7:35 I began to see, distant and hardly visible, my first Manx Shearwaters. As the light improved they became a little easier to pick out. I estimated ca40, but must have missed quite a few.
Soon after two Gannets went south Mark Cutts joined me. Not much else passing, just a Goosander, a Shelduck and eight Common Scoter, so we went to Tanybwlch.
The warblers singing along the cycle track had been joined by Blackcaps, a couple of which posed nicely in the sunshine, in contrast to an unseen Sedge Warbler. A couple of Chough flew over.
We finished with a walk along Tanybwlch Bay, where at least eight Wheatears moved through.
A couple of pairs of Linnets were back after their winter absence.