9am Seal swimming between shelter and Pier - in the Evening a crowd of about 50 people were enjoying quite a performance from - I presume-the same seal.
Went for walk along Nannygoats walk late Morning - about a dozen individual
Song Thrushes between Spencer's Sheds and Rhydyfelin. At sheds there was a (F)
Redstart, which was a big surprise, for a short time, and a (M) Stonechat.
Several Mipits along the way and Robins Dunnocks Chaffinches Blue and Great
Near Rhydyfelin had great views of 2 (M) Bullfinches and 1(F) Bullfinch
and felt there were some we didn't see. Also 1 Goldcrest. Interestingly not one
raptor seen during the long walk. Several Magpies and 2 Jays also.
One sad
comment - you have to have your wits about you trying to birdwatch and watch out
for all the dog mess - I take it there is quite a large minority of
irresponsible owners about and that the problem is not policed at all?
Andrew Lewis