Monday, 14 November 2016

Borth to Ynyslas Turn

Started at Aberystwyth where there were seven Purple Sandpipers in the roost and 20 Turnstones on the beach.
I made several stops to look at the sea between the toilet block and Ynyslas Turn car park.  One very large feeding frenzy of gulls, mostly 1st w Herring, was close inshore near the golf clubhouse. At first they were accompanied by about 35 Gannets, but later, on my way back, another look revealed at least 160 Gannets.  Literally hundreds of Razorbills all along, many very close in with at least 100 on the sea near the feeding gulls and many others flying past.
Otherwise, just seven Red-throated Divers and five Great Crested Grebes, with a single Kittiwake off the turn.