Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Denmark Farm Urgent Appeal

Denmark Farm is our very own example of how to increase bio-diversity on previously 'barren' farmland and achieved, without the financial backing of a major conservation charity, by hard work over many years . 
Now DF needs just a tenner from all of us to access badly needed match funding and secure the future for its wildlife.
We have enjoyed several outings to see breeding birds there as part of the Cere Bird Walks programme and it is a joy to visit a place where the birds, their food and shelter, come first.

The Shared Earth Trust at Denmark Farm is currently fundraising through the Localgiving 'Grow Your Tenner' campaign. All £10 donations up until 17/11/16 will be matched by Localgiving and increased to £21.67 (with Gift Aid), to help us look after wildlife for future generations. We have already raised over £1000 this way, but if we are quick there is an opportunity to raise a further £1000. The pot of match-funding is fast running out and could end before the 17th November. Please consider supporting us, it will only take a few minutes of your time. Many thanks for your support.