Saturday, 24 December 2016

Some thoughts on the Ceredigion Bird Report

Having just purchased the 2015 Ceredigion Bird report I noticed there was some consideration being given to going digital. I would urge that you keep it paper/hard copy, it has been an invaluable source
of historic information to myself and others over the years and there is no substitute to being able to refer to back copies. A digital format just will not be accessed so readily.
Also re the Bird Report, I think the regular birders could contribute so much more and make the report so much more informative. We should not be waiting for Moira to mobilize surveyors to monitor spp at the will of the BTO. We know what needs monitoring locally and what can be easily monitored on a relatively regular basis, don't we? As suggested, wood warbler needs some work, its easy to ID (song) and I don't mind gathering the data for inclusion in subs bird reports. Hopefully I will be able to do Cwm Einion myself next year as well!
Other spp might be wintering/breeding wildfowl on the various pools and upland reservoirs. For instance there are regular breeding little grebe and tufted on Llyn Conach and regular wintering duck as well, esp now we have such mild winters. Other spp might be fulmar, I know we have lost them from prev regular haunts, whitethroat (along the old railway at Cors Caron, cliff/coast path sections etc). Lots of stuff is still declining, it would be good to get a handle on some of what is going off. It doesn't have to be complex or very detailed to have relevance.
I 'm sure others can think of loads more possibilities but start off simple and small and see where it goes??
 Roy Bamford

I agree with Roy about producing printed copies of the annual report.  I have a set of Ceredigion reports going back to 1982-83 which I refer to constantly, checking past records, answering queries, etc.  
As for the need to monitor certain species more closely, Roy has suggested a few species for starters.  Lets see what anyone else can come up with.