Monday, 2 January 2017

Cors Caron

Early this morning at Pont Einon:  2 kingfishers, male Harrier, sparrowhawk,kite buzzzard, 3 Little Egrets, Little grebe, pair Goosander, snipe, meadow pips, grey wagtail, 3 stonechat, tits, Reed Bunts, winter thrushes, chaffinch,goldfinch, bullfinch and flyover cormorants all looking splendid in the sunlight. 34 species just by standing still.

No shrike or Ringed necked duck seen despite the combined eyes of Red and Arfon, Silke and myself.

Later at least 4 Pink Feet amongst the Greylags on Ystrad Caron fields.

Helpful note for VISITING BIRDER(S): all Chris' shrike sightings were made from public roads.  Almost all sightings at the south end  are made from the bridge at Pont Einon.  A few people have permission from NRW to enter the reserve from the south for professional purposes.  Public access to the bog is now publicised on new signboards and it doesn't include planking up the middle of the bog from Pont Einon.