Well, I humbly pop a report in amongst all the rest! First : ta to Tom & pal ( Bob told us who you were!!!,) then we spent a fruitless hour parading up & down the prom : no go. Next Bob and his better half-I think due to his rapport with the almighty, things went better: we dined at Cletwr( LOVELY JOB)and managed a Dipper or two thereafter-mind , he wasn't sharing his catch with her(bit like me and my sausages at the cafe !!!). Thence back to Borth and wrapped up the 21/2 hours with SUCCESS! A fleeting glimpse before a car scared him off, so no decent pics , just the crusty ole stuff on concrete...well, you can't have it all- I mean , we did beat France...eventually! Pssst! I think Wales won as well...tee hee! Final shot as the Dunlin swarm wheeled around in the late sunshine.