Sunday, 9 April 2017

Denmark Farm and Pendinas

The first male pied flycatcher had returned to Denmark Farm on Thursday (6th),  staking a claim for a piece of woodland near the campsite. VIsitors staying in the yurt will have a good views of it from their front door! 
Aline Denton

Sightings on Pendinas on Friday (7th) included: 

blue tit, chiffchaff, blackbird, goldfinch x2, magpie x2, chaffinch (male), rook, robin, 3 buzzards, blackcap, 8 linnets, 4 swallows flying north, wren, dunnock
bullfinch (male). Of particular interest - as I don't see many these days - were a male and female greenfinch.
We also saw a holly blue, lots of speckled woods and a couple of peacock butterflies.

Aline Denton and Chloe Griffiths