Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Unable to locate Red-footed Falcon

After a productive visit to Cwm Brefi, I arrived at the top of Cwm Berwyn mid morning. On my way, I realised that I had no field guide with me and didn't really know what a Red-footed Falcon looked like exactly.Spent about an hour in the area scanning from various positions but to no avail. However, I did see a falcon which I was unable to identify. I was parked by the cattle grid where Chris saw the bird I believe. I walked from there down a track towards the lake. After about 300m I found a spot to scan from and spotted a falcon flying quite low and not far from my car which I'd just left! Unfortunately, I couldn't get anything on it. Driving home I spotted the Golden Eagle again. Raptorial compensation. But ungratefully, I'm ashamed to say that I'd rather have seen the Red-footed Falcon.