Tuesday, 6 June 2017

URGENT:Confirmation of breeding birds required by BTO

There is a bit of a lull in the birding calendar just about now so before everyone concentrates on the coast perhaps you might like to help out with the European BB Atlas: see below... 

European Breeding Bird Atlas
The European Breeding Bird Atlas is currently on the go. Unfortunately our Bird Atlas finished three years before the European one so the data from that cannot just be moved across. The good news is that it is covered at a 50k resolution, and uses BirdTrack as it's data source. So can I ask all you dedicated BirdTrack users to include breeding evidence in your submissions.

If you visit the BTO website https://www.bto.org/volunteer-surveys/find-gap-european-breeding-bird-atlas-2 it will show you the coverage for your area.

As you delve deeper into your region you can produce a list of species and easily see what's been unrecorded. Take the south of Ceredigion for example

A quick look at the list shows a couple of species that realistically must breed in the area and justneed confirming.

So if you need any more background or help contact me at the BTO Cymru office.
