Sunday, 16 July 2017
A trip to pay homage to the Queen
I regretted the early start from north Wales when we arrived at Ynyslas in the pouring rain, especially as there was no initial sign of the female King Eider. Luckily the bird appeared at 8.15am and showed well. 3 Med Gulls were also present, unfortunately I couldn't read the green ring as it was just too far. 2 Whimbrel, a Bar tailed Godwit, 2 Sanderling and 30+ Manxy were also present. After a visit to the petrified forest and an amazing Borth breakfast we headed on to Glandyfi where Osprey and Bar-headed Goose was present. 6+ Ospreys were around the nest site along with loads of non avian nature - Stoats, Four-spotted Chasers, Comma butterfly, Common Toads and Common Lizards. An enjoyable foray into Ceredigion and back in Conwy by lunchtime.