Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Llanrhystud late pm.

Spent the afternoon looking for the Firecrest without any birds other than Robin and Blackbird at the Lime Kilns, however did get a nice view of a Kestrel with a few attendant friends on the way down. Making my way back to the car at about 4pm I stopped by the almost empty flood pool and was watching the wagtails and a pair of Little Stints when I had an odd wagtail, it had an all grey head and back displaying two white wing bars and a pale lemon yellow supercilium the yellow continuing around the ear coverts and back onto a small patch at the sides of the upper breast. As far as I am aware it was a juv. Citrine Wagtail. Before I could set the camera up having packed it away something spooked the birds and they all scattered. I spent the next 45mins trying to relocate it without success.