Bob, John and I joined forces this morning for a walk up the Dyfi for the high tide at the pillbox. On the way Bob had a male Hen Harrier which John and I missed.
At the roost among good numbers of Oystercatcher, Dunlin, Redshank and a few Curlews we picked out 12 Bar-tailed Godwits, nine Grey Plover, a Knot and a very late Little Stint.
On the river, among the Wigeon and Shelduck were three Pintail, three Shoveler and a Great Crested Grebe.
Then a walk to Glandwr pool along a very flooded track. Worth it for the two Greenshank, four Redshank, nine Snipe showing well and at least 40 Teal.
On the way back we met Mike Bailey and colleague who had just had a male Marsh Harrier (which we somehow missed) and a Water Rail.