Just to add to Sunday's post about Ynyslas high tide waders, I was there
yesterday morning, and found it rather disappointing.
Hundreds of dunlin present, only a small proportion of the wader flock
seemed to be ringed plover (less than 10%?). I didn't see sanderling, little
stint or curlew sand although many were too distant for me to identify.
Of interest perhaps were two dunlin with colour rings on; too distant for
proper id but the main colour appeared to be yellow, with perhaps a hint of
Jerry Moore
I paid another visit to Ynyslas this morning and among the few waders on the estuary side was a Knot, which dropped in for a short visit. My first of the autumn.
The wind and rain deterred me from walking to the point, where no doubt the majority of the waders were hunkered down.