Sunday, 10 March 2019

Glandyfi raptors

Stunning views this morning  of (the) ring tailed harrier gliding in high from the east to be stooped at by a male peregrine. High tide brought in a few gulls, which included  8 great black backed and 18 common gulls. Other highlights were a flock of 30 redshank, and a single bar tailed godwit. A female goldeneye this morning and 4 goosander at dusk tonight.
High tide yesterday morning there were 22 common gulls, and a fly past of 7 lesser black backed, the first I've seen here this winter.  Other birds included  19 curlew, 3 bar tailed godwit and a snipe. 4 little egrets were roosting at Domen Las yesterday  morning and 3 today.