Wednesday, 13 March 2019

The decline of the Greenfinch

Yesterday, in Aberystwyth, it was a delight to see two male Greenfinches singing and displaying around some tall trees below the National Library. In my corner of the county (Llangybi) they are now very scarce. As some of you will be aware I have been surveying the populations in my local OS square SN65 for several years now. Between 2007-11 and 2012-17 the population and range of the  Greenfinches fell by about 50% (115 birds in 15 tetrads down to 54 birds in 8 tetrads), results which correlate well with the 44% decline recorded in Wales by the BTO between 1995-2014. In November I began a third surveying cycle. Sadly, I found no Greenfinches in the 5 tetrads that I walked this winter. Ten years ago there were approximately 20 birds in 4 of those tetrads. On a cheerier note; just back from a cattle round up at Denmark Farm where there was a large flock of 45 Stock Doves in an adjacent field.