On the Rheidol this afternoon there were 212 Herring Gull, 14 Lesser Blacks, 3
Black heads, the unringed Mute swan, Sparrowhawk and a female type Goosander.
On Tanybwlch beach there were 8 Whimbrel and 14
Oystercatchers, 1 Kestrel, a “Heron sp.” flying low across the the sea far out
and silhouetted, a Ringed plover and 5 Common Sandpipers. I have attached 2
photos, one of a small flock which first moved North and then another of a
larger flock which moved back South and disappeared beyond the harbour and our
view point and we did not find them again, they again where quite far out (these
were taken with a superzoom camera!). We have spent quite a while staring at the
photos, managing to convince ourselves they were are Whimbrels then Curlews and
we would love a third opinion from a fresh pair of eyes as we have completely
lost the plot with them now!
Olivia and Rhodri
(They all look like Whimbrels. JAD)