Sunday, 12 July 2020

Teifi and Bwlch llan

22 common sandpipers on the Cere side of the Teifi just below the Cardigan bridge this morning.
A pair of mallard have 3 tiny chicks, one of which decided to set off across the river for Cere despite river traffic and a breeze, fortunately there were still 3 chicks 2 hours later.  Is that the one adventurous trail breaker that will seek out new sources of food or the stupid one leaving safe cover to become a gull's snackette?  Well not this morning, lucky for ducky.

Ian, I poked around that SSSI near Bwlch Llan about 15 years ago and found the path across the marsh absolutely impenetrable.  Always looked a good site and I often sat and had a listen during my kiting years, sort of place a crake could turn up...