Sunday, 3 January 2021

Sarnau environs

The Lapwings and Golden Plovers that Paul reported on Jan 1st were flying restlessly around the area today.  We estimated the Sarnau flock of Goldies at around 350 to 400 and a similar size flock were nearer to Ffostrafol.  The Lapwings are difficult to count as there are odd groups joining and leaving the main group but 125 was roughly our count.

Fieldfare and numerous Redwing were along the hedges and in the short grass fields with 6 snipe looking spectacular in the brief sunny spells.

Most interesting however was Silke's sighting of a Chough probing the crumbling masonry of an old barn wall 6km inland as the Chough flies from Lochtyn!  I know Chough have bred at inland cliff sites and in mines but an odd bird seeking food in one of many crumbly walls in the area?! 

Keep an ear open Paul it might be particular to this bird...Pencaeau Farm.