Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Raptors, etc.

 I sometimes see a hawk and I'm not sure whether it's a spar or a gos. But then I remember that if you're not sure, like the distant golden eagle/buzzard scenario, it probably isnt a goshawk!

One evening about a week ago just outside the house I saw a huge hawk powering northwards at quite a low level. It appeared to be heading for a flock of jackdaws but as I didn't have my bins with me, lost it against the hillside. A female goshawk, without a doubt.

I'm hearing a few wood warblers singing from the edges of forestry plantations these days. Are they moving into forestry like some of the other warblers seem to be doing?

And finally an inland pair of peregrines has three large young, which looked yesterday as if they were ready to jump ship! A few years ago it was said that most inland sites in Ceredigion had lost their peregrines, but several of them now seem to be occupied again.

Jerry Moore