Sunday, 12 January 2025

Willow Tit?

 Well, I'm not an expert. I personally find it very difficult to separate Marsh/Willow visually. I rely on call/song and or habitat, if possible. What you describe does sound like it could be a Willow Tit singing perhaps but without hearing it personally I really couldn't say. I've heard Great Tits making all sorts of deceptive calls, for example. 

What habitat was the bird present in? Willow Tits really do like areas of wet willow scrub whereas Marsh Tits are likely to be in mature deciduous woodland. However, I have found both species in a similar area if both these habitats are present in close proximity. Say, a thin ribbon of deciduous woodland along a stream close to wet, overgrown fields that are reverting to scrub.

I've looked to see where Salem is. As far as I can recall it lies outside the known range of Willow Tit in the county. Not just when I surveyed them myself, but prior to that also. But maybe they've just been overlooked. Very possible. Can you give the grid reference please?

To summarise, as I'm cooking dinner, I'm afraid I don't know what it was. I suggest going back to the area a couple of times between mid Feb to mid April when Willow Tits are more vocal to give yourself another chance of connecting. I would like to have the grid ref if possible. 

Good luck. Let me know what you find.