Friday 19 February 2010

Garden Birds

Beautiful shots of the Bullfinchs Mike, there seem to be more around this year, we have had one most days around the area, in previous years if they've been here I missed them.

My siskin flock on the feeders peaked at 45 to 50 last Monday, they seemed to be everywhere, perhaps some were moving through going north because numbers have reduced back down to about 20/25.
A very welcome addition this week is a Song Thrush another bird that has been conspicuous by it's absence in previous years. Heard the first Tawny Owls for this year last night, they are normally ever present. I got around to making some nest boxes last week and put them up at the weekend and got immediate excitement trom the Blue Tits with both of them being regularly inspected. The local House Sparrows have invaded our roof space making lots of noise scratting around on the aluminium lined insulation. Three pairs are currently building nests so I have a good excuse for not getting out the ladders and fitting the new soffit boards.