Wednesday 26 May 2010

Another request for help from those people off the tele..........

Hi all,

It’s Sally Snow form Aden Productions here again. Many of you may remember that I posted a request on the forum about a month ago requesting sittings of urban birds to film for a BBC Wales production we are currently making. A big thank you to all of you that sent suggestions in, they were greatly appreciated. There were a few suggestions that fitted the bill perfectly and we followed them up, however not all items proved as successful as others and so we are still searching for a few more suggestions, although this time they are a little more specific. It would be wonderful if anybody felt they could help us with this. The two items I am hoping you could help me with are as follows:

a) I was hoping somebody might have a bird nesting in their garden. Not in a nest box, but in a tree or bush etc. Please could you also let me know at what stage the birds are at (if you know) e.g. sitting on eggs, feeding young...

b) I was hoping somebody might know of bird/s nesting in a manmade object/structure (that aren’t swallows, swifts, house martins or gulls as we have already featured them). A good example of this was the Great tit Ian Morris found nesting in a postbox. Ideally we would like to find another example like this, as unfortunately we think the Great tit may have thrown the towel in.

If anybody had any suggestions I would love to hear from you. My email address is

Thank you kindly for all your help,

Best wishes,


p.s. If you happened to catch Wild Wales on BBC One Wales over the last few weeks we hoped you enjoyed it!