Saturday 22 May 2010

Going Cuckoo

Went for a strenuous 6 hour hike yesterday on what is perhaps my favourite walk, especially on a warm day in May. Started at the bottom of Cwm Pysgotwr,climbed Cwm Doethie,across to Soar y Mynydd and down through Dalarwen and round the top of Llyn Brianne.
I counted 7 singing Yellowhammers in Cwm Pysgotwr/Doethie. There were also 7 male Whinchats in Cwm Doethie and a further 11 on the road below Soar. Tree Pipits seemed very common everywhere and I ended up with a total of 31 for the day. A Common Sandpiper was at Soar but no Spotted Flycatcher,at least not yet. 5 male Reed Buntings were on the track below Soar. Walking through Dalarwen I found a Crossbill and counted 6 Wood Warblers and 10 Garden Warblers.
Finally, I had what I think must be a personal Cuckoo record,hearing,but not seeing a total of 5. One was in Cwm Pysgotwr and 2 were calling simultaneously both at Soar and in Dalarwen.