Friday 28 May 2010


A fine afternoon for my annual trip around Nantymoch reservoir to survey the feeder streams for Dippers. Once again - none were observed. However there were a few other birds to be seen - Meadow Pippits, a couple of pairs of Wheatears and a single Pied Wagtail - numbers well down on past years. A lone Kestrel was hunting over the slopes of Plynlimon and a Common Sandpiper was on the shore of the reservoir. Back along the Camdwr arm - nothing - not even the Great Crested Grebes that in previous years have attempted to nest on this arm of the lake. They have learnt from their previous failures and gone off to the Trisant lakes instead! Along the roadside where some clear felling of forestry had taken place I was pleased to see three Whinchats.