Sunday 20 June 2010

Cors Caron

When accompanied on a walk round the boardwalk by a 4 year old on a bike with rattling stabilisers it's best not to raise ones birding expectations too high. However, I saw some great things this morning. Started with Garden/Sedge Warblers,Pied Flycatcher, Reed Bunting, Sparrowhawk,Whinchat and a couple of Willow Tits. A Moorhen and Little Grebe were on the large pool and a Cuckoo was calling in the distance where I could also see 3 Lapwings. Two noisy Curlews then appeared and the cause of their agitation became apparent. A Hobby was swooping low around them-going for their chicks possibly? When the drama finished we turned back towards the wooded ridge on the hills and a second Hobby could be seen jousting with a couple of Buzzards which were forced to take evasive action to avoid it's agile dives.