Tuesday 15 June 2010

Recent sightings from Matt & Charly Potter

Over the weekend, our feeders had:-

Blue and Great Tits - Many birds including adults and newly fledged birds.
Chaffinch - 5
Goldfinch - 3
Siskin - 2 Male and Female
Greenfinch - 2
Nuthatch - Several! Including Fledglings being fed!
Dunnock - 2
Willow Warbler - Just Looking!
Blackcap - Heard Only.

Locally to our house (within a few mins walk), usual Cuckoo - you can tell by its sore throat on the third or fourth cuckoo!
Redstarts, quite a few up the lane from us.
Linnets- Seem to be everywhere!
Red Kite - Many over.
Swallows, House Martins, Skylarks, Meadow Pipits!
And Repoll over too.
Buzzard - up to 4 birds around.
Matt and Charly Potter