Wednesday 8 September 2010

Ceredigion birders repeat the Whale Watching trip, 4-7 September 2010

Remember that trip a lot of us went on last year organised by Elfyn. Roger Merry won a repeat trip and twisted my arm to come with him! Highlights were a close view of a fin whale and Great, Arctic Skua and Pomerine Skuas, Common and Arctic Terns, Sabine Gulls, Storm Petrels, Sun fish, tuna and Adonis Blue butterflies! No manx, great or little shearwaters!

One of the leaders was Mike Weedon of Bird Watching magazine! He puffed with pride when I said how much I enjoyed his articles, to be brought down to earth when I added 'on urban birding', which avid readers of BW will know are written by Dave Lindo! In case he is an avid reader of the Ceredigion bird blog, he did find this very funny and was looking forward to sharing the story at the office.

Before I left on Saturday, Meurig, Anne and me managed to see the wryneck at Llanrhystud. It sounds as if there has been some great birding over the weekend.