Wednesday 8 September 2010


Having found nothing much at Cors Caron first thing (the heavy rain had caused the exposed mud on the river bank to be covered) I headed to the coast. A few Dunlin and Ringed Plover were on the beach as the sand started to appear and I also counted 9 Sandwich Terns and 4 White Wagtails out at the point. Then got a cracking view of an adult Black Tern drifting south close in, my first sighting for a few years ( I notice some were seen at Borth yesterday). Returned to the car park and as I approached the stile to cross back to the beach a familiar face caught my eye. The Wryneck! I presume it is the same bird but any thoughts on the matter much appreciated. I watched it for several minutes before it hopped out of sight. I crossed the stile and it appeared to be hunkered down amongst some stones at the very back of the beach. I marvelled at its ability to stay still and merge with the surroundings. I crept towards it inch by inch hoping for the view of a lifetime, then realised that I actually was looking at a rock. Feeling a bit miffed I stood up without thinking and of course it was just a few feet away still in the turf. It flew a short distance on to some boulders next to a ball of rusty barbed wire where I was again able to observe it for quite a while longer.