Sunday 26 September 2010

Glossy Ibis

It's a sad state of affairs when you can't bear to think that you might miss a bird!
At teatime today, after a morning spent birding and an afternoon Buster walk, I was just contemplating a cold beer when Harry, then John phoned to tell me that a Glossy Ibis had been seen at Borth. What a dilemma - Glossy Ibis, cold beer? Glossy Ibis, cold beer?
Of course there wasn't really any question that I wouldn't go, so out with the scope, on with the boots and off I went again. I'm glad I did because after about half an hour looking for it, the bird suddenly took to the air close enough for me to get an excellent view of it. It eventually flew off towards the Leri boat-yard. By this time the clock was just striking 6, time perhaps for all good ibises to think about roosting!