Thursday 9 September 2010


Harry Pepper and I met Bob and Janet at Ynyslas just in time to see one of the fly-overs by the Peregrine. Many of the waders had dispersed but we managed good views of 5 Curlew Sandpipers and a Little Stint. 31 Sandwich Terns also present.
Two Whinchat were still along the track behind the boatyard.
Harry and I then went to Llanrhystud so that Harry could catch up with the Wryneck, which he did. Tony Cross also enjoyed views of this mega bird for Ceredigion. Chris and Carol Bird arrived and in typical fashion, Chris was able to 'scope the bird, from his car, while it was only a few yards away! Jammy is not the word.

Footnote: During our visit to Llanrhystud the Wryneck seemed to be constantly harried by a couple, who despite having a huge lens, saw the need to constantly try to approach the bird to within a matter of feet in order to photograph it. One of them was watched trying to flush it when it was not visible to them. The bird was often feeding only to be moved on and it was almost comical how these two people were back and forth along the embankment, impervious to us watchers and, sadly, to the bird's welfare. They had possibly been there for most of the day.
Birdwatching mags. and information services now often refer to this unacceptible behaviour and suggest such people be asked to desist. I did mention to one of them that going over the fence onto the private farmland to follow the bird was the sort of thing that could give those of us who live here a bad name. Just about all the recent trips I have made to see rare birds have been spolit, often by several photographers chasing birds from bush to bush, unconcerned about the ill-will being generated.
The old maxim 'the welfare of the bird should come first' is surely one that all of us, bird watchers, bird ringers and bird photographers should at least try to uphold and not blatently ignore.
Should I ever come across a scarce, photographable bird in Ceredigion, I now feel that I may just contact local birdwatchers and the two or three photographers we respect and ask for no wider publicity.
Any thoughts? (No reference to GOMS* please. I know I have it and it is irreversible. * Grumpy Old Man Syndrome)