Monday 8 November 2010

Raptors, Black Redstart and Penquin

This afternoon, a handsome male kestrel flew to foot of Constitution Hill viewable from the end of the prom. And again later on the hill itself, on one occasion being mobbed by a crow. Also a merlin and a raven. At the top, an early flock of starlings wooshed overhead - would be good spot to enjoy starlings returning to the Pier.

Black redstart heard and then seen on the two phallic objects on the Old College Building. Celebrated with a coffee and oozing custard slice in the Penquin.

I have been looking out with no luck for BR at Borth Railway Station but yesterday was treated to 11 long-tailed tits in a bush in the garden of Platform House, viewable from the station. Saw the 'troupe' about three hours later in the willows near Leri.

For the well-worth-it waxwings, simply use