Wednesday, 21 March 2012

received with thanks

Once upon a time....Red made a load of protective bird box plates. He gave them to Liz, who gave them to Angie, who gave them to Mara, who gave them to me and I gave them to Kelly outside school this morning. He's running a bird box building group with the children at Ciliau Aeron primary on Friday. Thanks for those Red and thanks too for the Long Wood map.
When you see a bird out of context the easily confused can be easily confused. A bird was singing this morning at the very top of a mature Beech tree in our garden. The song seemed scratchy and strange. I couldn't place it. I was thinking "badly out of tune Greenfinch maybe?". I could only view it from underneath so couldn't really see it. I waited until it flew off in to the field next door and then the white rump gave it away. Wheatear. A surprise garden tick.