Monday 30 April 2012


An afternoon at the (extremely) windy Tan y Bwlch was surprisingly good.
On arrival at the harbour entrance, there were around 15 Sandwich terns
quartering up and down south beach and along the edge of the lighthouse.
Further out were around 6 Gannets dive-bombing and a pair of Eider flew
past. There was a single female Goosander on the Ystwyth and plenty of
Wheater, Stonechats and Linnets in the surrounding fields. Looking back at
the sea, there was an apparent constant passage of Sandwich terns north in
small groups. My main mission however was to see a Whimbrel, of which
there have been many recently. On the walk back, one landed right in front
of me on the beach and I got great views along with 2 Ringed plover, 2
Dunlin and a Sanderling. In the harbour I flushed 5 Common Sandpiper which
flew back down the Ystwyth. A walk along south beach revealed a further 10
Dunlin (in full summer plumage) on castle rocks and 4 Turnstone, 6
Oystercatcher and, (spoiling me this time!) - 2 Whimbrel by the Pier.

Mike Waller.