Sunday 13 May 2012

Dear John

Sorry to hear you're feeling fed up. I think we can all sympathise with your despair at how things are around us. Funnily enough, I bumped into Phil Dennis at Cross Inn Forest and Bethania this morning and we both were saying how "continental" it seemed due to the richness of the bird life thereabouts. An oasis within a desert for sure, but one well worth visiting to cheer oneself up. I recommend a visit asap. I've spent the last two mornings wandering around, counting things as usual and obviously my records only give an impression of the totals actually present since much of the area is inaccessible. Wood Warbler 2 singing, Willow Warbler 72 singing, Chiffchaff 41 singing, Siskin 19, Whitethroat 35 singing, Tree Pipit 15 singing, Redpoll 22, Reed Bunting 5 males, Cuckoo 4 inc 3 calling males, Stonechat 3 pairs, Sedge Warbler 30 singing,Grasshopper Warbler 2 singing, Blackcap 5 singing, Garden Warbler 7 singing, Willow Tit 1, Crossbill 6.