Sunday 13 May 2012

Recent Sightings in Ystumtuen

Migrant arrivals in Ystumtuen continue over the last week. A Cuckoo is now calling away and being mobbed by mippits! Redstart numbers has risen dramatically with many males about, maybe a last chance to get some boxes up for them!
Plenty of Wheaters about with a few pairs looking to hold usual territories.
A fine male Winchat has returned and was calling for a mate as was a male Pied Flycatcher, which was also taking great intrest in a box I have put up! I can hear it now as I type this!
The regular Garden Warbler is in the copse next to our garden taking up its usual stance.
At least 5 Yellohammers with two potential territories and lots of Linnets about with a few Redpoll.
John, I sympathise with you regarding the destruction of countryside and habitats. We do live in a man made landscape. I too am sick of seeing countless hegdrows removed and replaced with new double fencing, and gorse burnt to make more room for grazing. It is illegal to burn gorse during the breeding season though. It is sad to see and even sadder to realise that wildlife just gets moved out of the way for mans need!

Matt Potter