Monday 21 May 2012

Sightings from Ystumtuen - and welcome to the planet Alfie

Recent sightings in Ystumtuen include a superb male Whinchat in a new spot, singing away! a Sandmartin breifly stopped for a preen on a telegraph wire. Redstarts continue to swell in numbers. Plenty of Lesser Redpolls around with a few potential nest sights. Also lots of Linnets and Siskins plus usual Tits and Finches. The male Pied Flycatcher is still singing away hoping to catch the attention of a passing female. Seems to be more Wheatears around this year and Yellowhammers are also in good numbers.
Two Cuckoos where being harrased by Meadow Pipits. Two boxes that I have put up have got 11 and 8 Blue Tits eggs in them which was a nice result.
Lastly a Barn Owl was hunting over the road by the Rheidol just before Lovesgrove roundabout at 2am last week. Spotted as me and my wife drove home from hospital after she was deemed not in labour enough! She was a day later and Alfie was born, in Carmarthen though as Bronglais was full up!

Matt Potter